The Unavoidable Truth

There are many absolutes in this vast Universe that we live in. Accomplishments that can not achieve. Things that are out of your control. Depths that you can not go. Heights you can not reach. Places unable to be seen. Galaxies you can not explore. The knowledge that can never be understood. The wisdom that can not be grasped. Understanding that you will never fathom.

But as sure as the sun goes down at night, and rises again in the morning, so will all of us one day succumb to the grave and rise again in eternity. Some to reward and some to a place of punishment. This is unavoidable.

It does not matter if we are poor or rich, big or small, live in the city or country, or live a long successful life or short. Live a good kind of life or cruel or have a wonderfully easy life or hard.

We will all someday close our eyes and wake up on the other side. The most important question is, where will you spend eternity?

What will your destination be? What determines your location? You may say I don’t believe there is anything beyond the veil. I don’t believe there is a God, or life after death. But if there are things in the universe that are unattainable, explainable, unavoidable, and unchangeable there has to be someone who does know these things.

There has to be a being that designed and ordered the complexities of this universe.

If I was to show you my smartphone and say “Look at this thing I dug up out of the ground. I wonder how long it took for it to function on its own. I can call, text, message, and surf the internet with ease.”

You may say that I am nuts someone had to design then build it. It did not go from nonfunctioning parts to working perfectly on its own. I could then ask “How do you know there was a designer that made it?” The mere fact that I am holding a fully functioning cell phone is proof that there is a designer. Someone of intelligence who created it. This is common sense.

Look at your eyes, your body, this whole world and all its complexities, the universe, and the sheer magnitude of the order of it all. How every cell in your body has to have each part work perfectly together or it dies.

How so skillfully they are knit together and work together. If you stub your toe it affects your whole body, or if your stomach stops working it pulls the whole body down with it. If one aspect of a critical part of the body such as your heart doesn’t do its job, you may die.

Creation screams out “ THERE IS A CREATOR!” So since there has to be a Creator and He made everything good and is in Himself good “morally perfect,” then where does that put us in this big picture of Creator and creation?

Is there really a Heaven for those who are good, and a Hell for those who are bad? Are you good enough to go to heaven? Will you make the grade? If this makes you start thinking about life and death, and which direction you are heading, take this short test and find out if you are good or bad. If the answer is Heaven or Hell. It is a very serious question that needs answering.

Have you ever told a lie? Have you ever stolen anything that was not yours? If the answer is yes, that would make you a liar and a thief.

Have you ever cursed God, used His name as a cuss word, or just as a word of no consequence, flippantly perhaps? That would make you a Blasphemer to use God’s name in vain, the one who made you and gave you life.

You would most likely never use the name of your mother, who you love, as a swear word. That would be very disrespectful and God is disrespected when you curse His name.

Have you ever hated anyone?

Jesus said “If you hate someone you have committed murder in your heart already” Matthew 5:21-26.

Have you lusted after someone?

Jesus also said, “ If you look upon someone to lust after them you have committed adultery in your heart already.” Matthew 5:27-30.

Have you coveted the possessions of others? Wanting something you don’t have, determining in your heart that you must have it. Not honoring your father and mother, Worshiping anything other than God, and not Loving Only God. These are all from God’s Law the Ten Commandments.

If you are honest with yourself you will see that you have broken most of the Commandments, which are called sin and you have broken God’s Law.

“For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” Romans 3:23

Again, if you are honest you would have to admit you have broken every one of them. You are a criminal in God’s eyes! And you deserve the just punishment that comes with those crimes. Guilty with no hope!

Even the good we try to do is like bribing the Judge, and yet you keep doing what is wrong! You know this is true! Because God has given you a conscience that is bearing witness against you!

Now you have died and you are standing before the judge who is God. You are found guilty as a sinner because you have broken His Law.

You are to be sentenced to Hell as punishment for your crimes, a place where the fire does not go out and the worm does not die. Where there is anguish, crying, wailing, and gnashing of teeth! How do we escape such torment?


“And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment, so Christ having been offered once to bear the sin of many,” Hebrews 9:27

“For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is Eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord” Romans 6:23

But don’t stop reading because there is Good News! The best news you have ever heard in your life! There are the two greatest words ever spoken, “BUT GOD!” God did an incredible and wonderful thing for You! Because He loves you!

“But God so loved the world that He sent his only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but will have everlasting life” John 3:16

But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved— and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, Ephesians 2:4-6

God sent his son Jesus Christ to the earth 2000 years ago to be born as a baby and grow to live as a man. He lived a perfect sinless life, he never sinned or displeased his Heavenly Father.

He intentionally; for you and me went to the cross, was beaten, wiped, scourged, suffered, died, and most importantly took the complete Wrath of God upon himself for your sins, mine, and everyone who ever lived or will live.

Then after 3 days He rose again defeating sin and death. He lives now and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Because He is the Son of God and has been given all authority, power, and glory.

Right now! God offers you forgiveness, right now God offers you life and salvation. He offers it to you like a FREE gift. He has been holding out His hands to forgive you for your whole life. Because He loves you dearly and does not want you to perish.

But what you MUST do is confess your many sins and wicked ways. Repent of them turning completely away from them and turning to Jesus for your only hope and salvation.

Completely and totally putting your trust and faith in Him who can save you from torment in Hell! He wants to forgive your sins and bring you to His paradise Heaven when you die, where there is no more sorrow, tears, or pain. Where there is joy forevermore.

What is more important than your eternal soul? These pleasures and earthly happiness on this earth are so short and fleeting. How they drift away and are blown like the dust of the air. How they wither so quickly like the flower in the heat of the sun. If you have read this far, maybe it is for a divine purpose.

I plead with you to consider carefully your life, how short it is, and Eternity, how long it is!

If we could speak to those who have already died they may say “No, I never intended to come here: I had laid out matters otherwise in my mind; I thought I should contrive as well for my self; I thought my Scheme good;

I intended to take effectual care; but it came upon me unexpected; I did not look for it at that time, and in that manner; it came as a Thief; Death outwitted me; God’s Wrath was too quick for me;

O my cursed Foolishness! I was flattering myself, and pleasing myself with vain Dreams of what I would do hereafter, and when I was saying Peace and Safety, then sudden destruction came upon me.” Jonathan Edwards.

Don’t Be The One Crying Out “Oh, if I had just listened! Oh, If I had just fallen to the feet of Jesus and begged him to forgive me! Oh, that day I heard the message and turned away to my wickedness! What a Fool I am!

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